Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday Folders

Today's Friday folders seemed jam packed with information, forms, and student work! A few important things to be aware of:

Our first field trip will be on Tuesday October 19th and we are going to the Pumpkin Patch! Both classes go together so that requires some changes in scheduling which I will remind you of as we get closer. Please fill out and return the bottom half of the blue information sheet that was sent home indicating that you give your child permission to go and if you would like to come as well. Children have to return a signed permission slip in order to go on the outing.

I also included a permission slip pertaining to Donors Choose. As I mentioned in a previous post, I was able to get a donation fully funded so that we can put together some literacy bags that the children will be allowed to take home over weekends. Part of the process of having a project fully funded will be having the kiddos draw pictures/write thank you notes to the donors. Another part is taking photos of the children enjoying the materials that were donated to us to show the donors how their donation is contributing to student learning. Donors Choose asks that I get permission from parents before photographing children. If I do not receive the signed permission slip, I will not take any photos of your child for our thank you package. I plan to have a sign up sheet during conferences for parents who are interested in helping to decorate the literacy bags.

I included the October Scholastic Book Orders as well and please feel free to order online! Several parents chose that option in September and I never knew book orders could be so easy! We also received 18 dollars in coupons towards books for those online orders in addition to 3 free books I was able to choose AND 10 free books that were included for the classroom due to the quantity of the order. Thanks for making reading exciting for your kids and for helping our classroom to obtain new books! If you look at our Scholastic page online, you can also view some books that I have recommended this month. There are a couple of book packs that have The Kissing Hand and other books about our favorite Raccoon Chester! There is a link at the top of this blog with directions for how to log in when ordering from Scholastic online for the first time. If you have any difficulties or questions, please let me know!

Your child should have also taken home two more paper books today ( an M book and " I can" book). Please remind your child to put them in his/her special book box for safe keeping!

Next week our Stars of the Week will be Ava (AM) and Jhaywon (PM). We will be focusing on the letter A all week in addition to the other letters that we study for fast track phonics.

I will make sure to get you an October calendar of events/days off. I meant to do that this week, but I started my fall classes at PSU and I forgot how busy it feels to go from school to class! I feel like time is just flying by and it's hard to believe that it's already October.

Finally, thanks to all of the parents that helped out this week! You are wonderful!

I hope you have some fun plans for the weekend. Now that I am back to school I will be spending some of my time doing homework on the weekends just like the kiddos!

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