Go to www.shutterfly.com and log in with my email [ ktoppel@ttsd.k12.or.us ] and the password [ 2010kinder ]. You can upload your photos too if you took any! This will be a great way for me to share photos with you throughout the year in a format where you can buy the ones you like!
I also got some great new activities that I will introduce during choice time this week. I am transitioning the kiddos from having daily choice time to focusing a bit more on "work" activities during that 30 minute block. By incorporating fun activities that also help to build skills, it's a win-win since they have fun, but they are also learning!
sight word magnets to go along with our magnetic letters. Now the kids can practice the sight words and can start building sentences!
Fun rhyming game with cute little objects to match rhyming words
Word family game with sliding letter card to make different words
Word building which is great to build "Break it down" skills. The children will sound out words and then build them with letters according to the sounds they hear.
Addition and Pattern puzzle cards
Difficult to see in this photo, but these are counting stamps where the kiddos will have to write in the number of objects they see. Each stamp has a sentence such as "I see ____ frogs." This will be great for practicing writing numbers!
Happy Halloween!