Friday, May 27, 2011

A few things...

  • Today is the last day of extended day reading services. Starting Tuesday, all AM students will leave school at 10:40 and all PM students will arrive at 11:55. Bus stop times may shift a little due to additional stops/children be added back to the routes, so please review the revised bus schedule that is in your child's Friday folder. When I received the schedules, I noticed that several names are missing and the lists don't seem to be entirely correct, so please let me know if there is an error involving your child and I will pass the information to the office.
  • Don't forget to turn in a permission slip for our fishing trip. Students who do not return permission slips will not be able to attend. Mrs. Kolb pointed out that when she created the permission slip, the wrong date was printed....our fishing trip will be on TUESDAY JUNE 14th (not the 11th). The correct date is on the June calendars that I sent home today.
  • So far I only have one PM parent volunteer for the fishing trip. If any other PM parents can come along, please let me know. It is going to be a really fun day!!
I hope you have a great weekend! I am headed to California tonight to see my in-laws for the weekend. I am looking forward to some relaxation, good food, and time with family and I am hoping to finalize my very long Core paper that I have been working on all year!

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