Saturday, May 21, 2011


We were so excited on Friday to see three butterflies come out of their cocoons! 

Our examination station

the children can practice putting the life cycle in order

I ransacked the Washington County library system for all the books I could find about caterpillars and butterflies and the kiddos are enjoying looking at the pictures and reading them to learn more about the life cycle of butterflies!
Our book shelf is fully stocked :0)

I am hoping that by Monday all of the butterflies are out and about. We will have five in all. At some point in the near future, we will release them (on a day that is 55 degrees or more) and send them on their way. With the goal of having both classes get to see butterflies released, I decided to have the AM class join Mrs. Kolb's class or Mrs. McLean's class when they release theirs and then the PM class can release the ones from our classroom. I ordered my caterpillars a little bit sooner than they did, so it may be another week before they are ready to let them fly away!

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