Sunday, January 16, 2011

Science Club and Story Problems

Gabe's mom, Nikole Emerson, will be teaching a Science Club for students in grades K-2 the last Thursday of each month from 2:30-3:20 pm starting on 1/27. Nikole is a loyal parent volunteer in the AM class so I have first hand experience in seeing how great she is with kids! This is a wonderful opportunity for kiddos to have some fun with science and I highly recommend that you sign up! The list of themes and activities seems really fun and I know that the kids will LOVE doing hands on science activities. I received sign up forms in my box midday on Friday, so I was not able to send them home with children in the AM class. Because there are a limited number of spots and it is first come first serve, I wanted to make sure to post about the opportunity so parents from the AM class are aware. I will be sure to send home the information sheet which has a permission slip on the back on Tuesday and please return it asap if you want your child to participate!

An important part of our new math program is "math talk." There is a strong emphasis on kids being able to use math language and explain their thinking about the activities that we do. This week, we will be working a lot with story problems where the children have to think of real life stories that involve math and tell them to a partner. Some of the skills involved in the work we will do are:

  • Building language through telling/retelling story problems
  • Using objects to solve story problems
  • Showing the operation with Number and +/- tiles
  • Sharing solutions
  • Recording the situation and equation
We have done a few lessons using story problems in the past and I was really impressed by the stories the kids came up with. It is a great exercise in using math talk and explaining mathematical thinking.

Let it snow!
Don't forget to return your snowman project on Tuesday if you haven't already done so. We have about 10 snowmen hanging in the hallway so far and they look great! I really love seeing all the hard work and creativity that goes into the family projects. Thanks for helping at home and supporting these activities.

Book club orders are also due Tuesday! I will complete the order Tuesday after school.

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