Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I would like to wish a very Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate. This year, I am very thankful to have two wonderful Kindergarten classes and kind, helpful, supportive parents! I am also thankful for friends and family that enrich my life! What are you thankful for this year? Enjoy the long weekend and stay warm!


Next week starts the Book Fair and there are 4 times that students may purchase books. These include:

-    During library class (AM class has library Wednesday & PM class has library Tuesday.
-    After school (with parent supervision)
-    During the Family Fun Night on Tuesday, 11/30
-    By bringing a completed order form and payment to the office.  Orders will be filled and books will be delivered to children in their classrooms.

My recommendation is that you come to check out the Book Fair with your child after school or at the Family Night instead of sending money to school so you can pick out books together. The Book Fair offers lots of great books at very reasonable prices, so it's definitely worth a look!

Literacy Bag update:  My second round of bags are on the way, so I am hoping to schedule another decorating party for Monday December 6th or Tuesday December 7th. That is just dependent on when they arrive since I ordered them online! I will be sending home a note next week so that you can indicate whether or not you are interested in participating in the literacy bag program with an explanation of the rules/expectations and hopefully if all goes well I will send home the first bags on Friday December 10th! I would also like to have a preview night for our Spanish speaking families since the books and activities/directions are written in English. This will give me an opportunity to describe (in my best Spanish) how the system will work and how the games/activities work.

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