Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Word of the Week

This week our word of the week is "we."

Our song goes like this:

we, w-e, we, w-e
we, w-e, we, w-e
we, w-e, we, w-e
we, w-e, we

We like to do our homework,
our homework, our homework!
We like to do our homework,
then we can play

This week I will also be assessing the students on the first 10 sounds we have learned in Fast Track Phonics. I will work with each child independently to see how well they are coming along with learning the sounds. They will also have an opportunity to do some Say It Fast and Break It Down activities with sounds so I can see how well they are hearing the individual sounds in words. We practice these skills daily during our Fast Track Phonics lessons. 
We are continuing to work hard on remembering to sit criss cross applesauce and keep hands and feet to self during carpet time/instruction time. Please remind your child of school rules at home and talk about the importance of paying attention during working times. I know the kids are used to having more free time and play time and it's an adjustment to come to a place where we do a lot more "work" activities, but we are working towards increasing attention span and listening at appropriate times and it's important that they learn to focus.

I hope you are enjoying this great weather!


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