Monday, September 20, 2010

A few reminders

This Thursday is Picture Day! Both classes will have their photos taken and will do a vision screening during the day. Today I sent home the photo form so please check your child's backpack even though it's not Friday. If you would like to purchase the photos please complete the order form and return it to school on Thursday with payment (Tuesday/Wednesday are fine too!). I will make sure to ask students if they have anything in their backpacks since I have collected the Friday Folders already.

This Friday is the jogathon! We are asking that students in the AM class wear green shirts and the students in the PM class wear blue shirts (if possible). This will help the volunteers keep track of which students are in which class.

The students participated in DIBELS testing today which consisted of a Letter Naming Fluency test and an Initial Sound Fluency test. This helps give us (myself and the Reading Specialist) a baseline idea of performance for each student which helps us fit instruction to students' needs. I can provide further information and discuss your child's scores with you at conferences.

Speaking of conferences, I would like to post a schedule in the next few days so that you can start signing up for times that work best with your schedules. Conferences will be held on Thursday and Friday the 21st and 22nd of October. I always try accommodate families that need to come later in the afternoon/evening and I will do my best to find a convenient time for each family. I have a class at PSU on Thursday evening, so I will be unable to stay past 4:00 on the 21st, but I will be able to stay later in the afternoon/evening on a different day of the week or Friday. Conference time slots will be for about 20 minutes. I will post a sign up sheet outside the classroom and will also start making calls and sending emails to schedule everyone.  Please feel free to call or email me to schedule a time!


  1. WOW!! It took me almost two weeks to get my act together and go see the sites that my kids' teachers have put together and WOW! First of all, glad to know another transplanted East Coaster -- my husband Jim and I both attended the University of Virginia and therefore know about Villanova. We lived in NYC for 10 years before heading out to Portland to raise a family near family. But 5.5 years later, the call of Wall Street was still too strong and we moved back to New Jersey so Jim could commute to downtown NYC again. But 3.5 years of that and a crash of the world's financial markets and we're back!

    Pretty cool to see what you are reading -- curious to know how you are enjoying the Stieg Larssen series. I read them too.

    Probably more than you were looking for in a post, but I learned more about what's going on in Quindlan's class in the past 5 minutes than I know about any of my other kids' classes. And she loved seeing the things that she does in class each day!

    Thanks very much,
    Kim Kelleher

  2. Just wanted to let you know that we appreciate you taking the time to keep us up to date on your blog! I know you must be very busy and to spend additional time letting us know what is going on incredible! Thanks for all your hard work and I am looking forward to this year with you as Cydney's teacher!!
