It was wonderful to meet many of you last night at our supply drop. I could tell that there were many very excited Kindergartners! I hope that you have read through the information I passed out and that you will use this blog as a way to check in frequently with what we are doing in the classroom. I try to post at least once a week and I often post photos to give you an idea of what we have been working on. I had great feedback from parents last year who really enjoyed the blog and felt that it helped them talk to their kids about school because they already had a lot of information about what we had done.
I also want to let you know that my phone in the classroom is not working right now. The cord was removed during the summer and our custodian, Mr. Z, has been searching for a new one with no luck. If you need to get in touch with me, please use my email.
Next week I will introducing the children to the routines and rules in the classroom and we'll spend a lot of time practicing different procedures like cleaning up, transitioning from the tables to the carpet, and lining up. I will also make sure to give the kiddos a tour of the bathrooms so they know where to go if they need to go.
I will be using a behavior management program this year, which I will also introduce next week. I prefer to focus on what kids are doing well, so my system allows children who are following the classroom rules and expectations to earn some choice time on Fridays. Both of my classes last year LOVED having choice time, so it is a great motivation for them. I will send home detailed information about "the sticks" that are used and I will explain it at Back to School Night as well.
As you prepare to send your treasures off to Kindergarten, please remember that although they may be feeling nervous or unsure, they will quickly adjust and will have a great year! It's normal to have some crying on the first day or during the first week (sometimes longer), but they will quickly feel at home in their new classroom. I know it can be tempting to stay, especially if your child is feeling upset, but I encourage to give them a big hug and tell them you'll see them later so they can get used to being here without a parent.
If you have any questions/concerns/information that you would like to discuss with me, please don't hesitate to get in touch. (email is best for now but hopefully my phone will be working soon!). I am looking forward to getting to know both you and your kiddos better!
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