Friday, February 25, 2011

What a week!

 I am so glad we didn't have another snow day today because our 100th day was just too fun to have to wait all weekend for! The kids thought today was the best day ever and my PM class told me about 100 times how I awesome I am.

I think they had fun. :0)

The most popular activity was our 100 snack and I will let the photos do the talking!
(there are lots!)

Next week we are focusing on the letter l and the word little. I will also be assessing students on their progress in the "tricky sounds" that we have been working on such as the long vowel sounds, /oo/ as in moon, /ar/ as in car, /-ed/, and /ing/. Because the assessment process is time consuming, I will not introduce a new sound next week.

In Math we are continuing to practice teen numbers.

We are making good progress on our bears and the Teddy Bear Parade is fast approaching. We are looking to do that the week before spring break, but have not set a specific date and time yet. The kids are working on sewing the right side and then we will start stuffing our bears!

Conferences are also coming up on March 17th and 18th and I will provide more information on that soon.

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