Tuesday, February 15, 2011


When I sent home February calendars I put the 100th day on the wrong date. We will do our special 100th day activities on Thursday February 24th instead of Wednesday the 23rd. We are not having a party that day, however we do have some special activities and a "100 snack" so I would love some parent help if anyone is available to come in. I think I was not accounting for not having school on Monday due to President's Day so my calculation of when the 100th day would fall was off.

Speaking of being off, I need to send home a revised February calendar for the PM class because again, I was off on the specials schedule. I must have been distracted on calendar making day.... I noticed yesterday that the schedule said Library was last Friday and it was actually yesterday so I have to adjust that. I will send home a new copy in the folders on Friday.

Sorry for the mix-ups!

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