Friday, February 25, 2011

What a week!

 I am so glad we didn't have another snow day today because our 100th day was just too fun to have to wait all weekend for! The kids thought today was the best day ever and my PM class told me about 100 times how I awesome I am.

I think they had fun. :0)

The most popular activity was our 100 snack and I will let the photos do the talking!
(there are lots!)

Next week we are focusing on the letter l and the word little. I will also be assessing students on their progress in the "tricky sounds" that we have been working on such as the long vowel sounds, /oo/ as in moon, /ar/ as in car, /-ed/, and /ing/. Because the assessment process is time consuming, I will not introduce a new sound next week.

In Math we are continuing to practice teen numbers.

We are making good progress on our bears and the Teddy Bear Parade is fast approaching. We are looking to do that the week before spring break, but have not set a specific date and time yet. The kids are working on sewing the right side and then we will start stuffing our bears!

Conferences are also coming up on March 17th and 18th and I will provide more information on that soon.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


When I sent home February calendars I put the 100th day on the wrong date. We will do our special 100th day activities on Thursday February 24th instead of Wednesday the 23rd. We are not having a party that day, however we do have some special activities and a "100 snack" so I would love some parent help if anyone is available to come in. I think I was not accounting for not having school on Monday due to President's Day so my calculation of when the 100th day would fall was off.

Speaking of being off, I need to send home a revised February calendar for the PM class because again, I was off on the specials schedule. I must have been distracted on calendar making day.... I noticed yesterday that the schedule said Library was last Friday and it was actually yesterday so I have to adjust that. I will send home a new copy in the folders on Friday.

Sorry for the mix-ups!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Thank you very much to all of the parents who came to help out with the parties today. I am so appreciative of all your support and generosity. You are wonderful! I posted pictures from both parties on our Kindergarten shutterfly account, so take a look. You can also upload any of your own photos as well. I am trying to label each album with either AM or PM to keep the classes separate.

You can log on with my school email address:
the password is 2010kinder.

I also posted some pictures of the kids sewing their bears and other photos of the kids doing some sorting activities. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


This week we have been working on sorting in math. We started with paper cards that have images of circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles in different sizes on them and then we moved on to collections of different items which are a bit more fun to work with.

We have talked about sorting things by color, size, and shape and the kiddos have practiced sorting different collections. Some of the items they have sorted are rocks & shells, bottle caps, colored pasta, keys, screws & bolts, buttons, and bread tags. Part of the process is being able to explain to a partner or to me how they decided to sort their items.

Here are some pics from math this week:

Monday February 14th we will have Valentine's Day parties in class and on Wednesday February 23rd we will celebrate the 100th day of school! Both occasions will be lots of fun. The students made heart shaped holders for their Valentines and the students who have already brought in their cards have delivered them to their classmates' hearts. We have some awesome moms who have been planning fun Valentine activities for Monday and I know the kiddos are looking forward to opening all of their Valentines and treats.

In this week's Friday Folders you will find instructions for one of our 100th day activities. I am asking that each child bring in a collection of 100 items. I will post more info about our 100th day celebrations as we get closer to that date.

You will also find your child's report card and a copy of the Kindergarten assessment in the Friday Folder this week. Another reason for celebration as the children have made lots of progress since the beginning of the year! 

Monday, February 7, 2011

This week

I would like to extend a big thanks to the following parents who have been in to help with our Teddy Bear Project!

Nikole Emerson
Elsa Alonzo
Angelica Basurto
Melanie Espinoza
Debi Scott
Katie Webb
Ron Sapp
Kristin Trerise
Brandi Coffman-Luckcuck

It truly makes such a difference to have your support and the kids are so excited about this very special project! We are a little farther along in the morning, but both classes are doing a great job. 

This is what we have going on this week:

We are focusing on the letter e, the /oo/ sound like in room, moon, and zoom and the sight word this.

In addition to journal writing, we are starting a book about the process of making our Teddy Bears. Parent volunteers have been photographing the kiddos as they work on their bears so that each child can create a book documenting the process of their work. Rather than the kids coming up with the writing on their own, these pages contain sentence frames and the kids will suggest words that we can write in to describe what they have done for each step of the process. Today we worked on completing the sentence

First, I sewed _________ and ___________ on my  bear. 

The children wrote in 2 eyes and then 1 heart in the spaces and we will add a photo once I get them printed.

Today we talked about both 2-D and 3-D shapes. We talked about how 2 dimensional shapes like circles, rectangles, squares, and triangles are flat compared to 3 dimensional shapes like cubes, spheres, cones, and cylinders which take up space. Since the concept of 3-D is pretty tricky to understand, I related it to 3-D movies where things pop out compared to regular movies where the images are just flat on the screen. The kids got to talk with partners to share examples from real life where they have seen each of the 2-D and 3-D shapes.

We will also begin working on sorting this week with different colored cards that show different shapes. Students will sort by color and then also by shape and size.

Fun Stuff:
On Wednesday or Thursday we will make special holders for Valentine cards that will get hung in the hallway. Then students can start delivering their Valentine cards in preparation for our party and Valentine exchange on Monday. I needed to change the party times a bit in order to not conflict with the ELD schedule so the new times are as follows:

AM 9:00-10:00 for Valentine activity, Valentine exchange and snack followed by conversation heart graphs from 10:00-10:30 during ELD time

PM 12:45-1:15 for Valentine activity, 1:15-1:45 for conversation heart graphs, then 1:45-2:25 for Valentine exchange and snack.

These times are different than the times listed on the February calendar I sent home.

Literacy Bags:
Parents who have children participating in the Literacy Bags rotation, please make sure to check the items against the checklist prior to returning the bags. We have had several activity pieces and books go missing and this really affects the success of the program for children who receive the bags with items missing.

Also, please make sure to return the bags on Monday. Thanks for your support. We really want to do our best to keep the rotation flowing smoothly which means bags need to be back on time with all items included.