Monday, March 14, 2011

Scooter Town

Our gym has been invaded with Scooter Town and I have to say it is AWESOME. Mr. Gaffney put a lot of work into creating the coolest set up for students to ride scooters through. Once again, I will let the photos do the talking, but a few of the cool features were:

a movie theater with a real tv
a car wash
a Starbucks
a hospital
a jail (for speeders, of course!)
a gym
a ping pong club
an art gallery
a parking lot
a cell phone store
a gas station

Kids could work at the various places and earn Scooter Town money (with Mr. Gaffney's photo on it!) and then they could use their money to buy things like drinks at Starbucks, movie tickets, and cell phones. The concept was great and the kids had a blast!

See you at conferences this week!

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