Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Yesterday I logged onto Vmath in the classroom to show the kiddos what it's like. Previously in the year, I sent home your child's user name and password so that you can log on from your home computer to play math games. I will be sending another copy of that log in information this Friday in the Friday folder.

Vmath is a great way to practice the skills we have been working on in class and students can also create an Avatar character to look like them. There are activities relating to different math concepts we work on and kids can also play Vmath Live which allows them to play against another child who is logged on somewhere else in the world. These activities would especially be great to utilize over the winter break.

Here are some brief directions about how to log on.

In your browser search VMath and click the first link that comes up.
It should be

Then, use the log in information (user name is your child's name after the #24, password is your child's school ID number) to sign in.

The main page looks like this:

The purple bars have the following math categories:

Under the category "Knowing Numbers and Patterns" the game called "Order Numbers to 10" is a great one to practice number order.

 I showed the kiddos several of the games in class and they were excited to try it out at home. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or trouble logging on. I did a short workshop for parents last year to go over how it all works and I am happy to do that again if you'd like some more information.

Have fun!

Monday, November 28, 2011

November 28th-December 2nd

I hope you all had a nice relaxing break. I spent the long weekend in California visiting my husband's parents. I asked each kiddo to share one thing about their break today and it was great to hear some of the fun things you all did.

This week Durham is having a Scholastic Book Sale in the library. On Wednesday I will be taking both classes to look at books and that will be their designated time to purchase books. If you'd like to send money please, send it in an envelope on Wednesday. If you'd like to look at books with your child, you can also make purchases until 3:30 PM.

Tuesday evening Durham is hosting a Family Fun Night from 6:30-8:00 PM. Each family that attends will receive a "Klutz Build a Book" and there will be stories as well as some projects for kids to make.

Scholastic flyers will go home on Friday and will be due Monday. This is a very quick turnaround, but I want to ensure that books will arrive before break for anyone who orders.

Also, I will be sending another family project home on Friday. Projects (family tradition collages) will be due December 12th.

Reading & Writing
This week I am introducing the /sh/ sound and the /z/ sound. The children are also learning how to "Stretch and Spell" so they can write down words. This is a skill necessary for writing (thinking about the sounds in a word you want to write and writing the letters that make those sounds). At this age, I encourage kids to sound out the words they want to write and I do not correct them if they don't include all the correct letters in order to spell a word conventionally. It's more important to me that they write the words they hear and continue to try to write independently rather than relying on me to tell them how to spell a word. Most of the words we write as a group are short and we "break them down" so the kiddos can write each sound. When they write on their own, however, they tend to write longer words and don't always hear all the sounds. For example, if a child wants to write horse and he/she writes down hrs, that is a completely acceptable way to spell in Kindergarten. Children may not yet hear all of the sounds in a word and there are many tricky spelling patterns in the English language that they haven't learned yet. As the year progresses, we will continue to learn more sounds and long vowel spelling patterns, but for now, please encourage your child to sound out the words he/she wants to write and let them spell the words phonetically as they hear them. As they gain more and more exposure to printed text, they will start to recognize the "correct" way to spell, but it is a developmental process and we are just beginning!

This week we are focusing on the letter N and the children will color the flag of Nepal on Wednesday. We talked about how people greet each other in Nepal by saying Namaste and bowing, so we will practice that during our greeting circle this week.

Our word of the week is "to" and we have a very fun song that goes along with it.

Last week our staff attended a fantastic training on vocabulary with Anita Archer who shared with us some great activities and strategies to promote vocabulary development. I would like to start including a math and/or science word as a vocabulary focus each week along with our letter and sight word of the week.

This week we are starting chapter 2 which focuses a lot on five-groups. We are practicing the numbers 6-10 with emphasis on seeing those numbers as a five-group plus a particular number of extras. Tomorrow the kiddos will use stampy markers to show the numbers 6-10 as a five-group with extras. On Friday, you will receive a parent letter from the math program with some visuals and a description of our work with five-groups. Those sheets are important to read and hold on to because it might help explain the homework that will come home for this chapter.

I am off to get back the results of our most recent ultrasound! Let's hope everything is looking good with Baby Girl Toppel!

Friday, November 4, 2011


This week flew by and I can't believe it's Friday already! My husband was away this week traveling for work in Central America, so I will be happy to pick him up at the airport tonight. I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend.

Reading & Writing
This week we reviewed the /r/ sound and /b/ and /f/ were introduced. I have been introducing a new sound every other lesson and focusing on learning the sound the first day, then writing the letter the following day. All of the kiddos are making great progress in writing their letters and recognizing the letter/sound combinations. We also focused on the letter T this week, so we made patterned ties and colored the flag of Thailand. We also focused on the sight word "see."

This week in math we worked on writing the numbers 4 and 5 and drawing groups of pictures to show those numbers. Today I introduced dot-to-dot pictures and we talked about connecting the dots in order. We talked about the difference between straight lines and wiggly or curvy lines as the kiddos need to practice drawing straight lines for the dot-to-dot activities. We also used the words vertical, horizontal, and diagonal to describe our straight lines. We used our arms to show what each kind of line looks like. (Math vocab words are in bold).

During our science time this week, we talked about how to be safe during science. Rules for being safe included listening to the teacher, using tools in a safe way, and wearing safety goggles.

Next week we are beginning our hygiene drive to support families in need. My classes are in charge of donating toilet paper. You should have received a note about this in the Friday folder today letting you know the time period for donations.

If you signed up for Literacy Bags, your child got to take one home today! Directions and an inventory list are included in each bag along with several books and a game relating to a particular theme. Please enjoy the activities and books with your child and carefully check to make sure all items, including all activity pieces and instructions, are included in the bag when you return it. Bags should be returned on Wednesday. Since we have a short week and then we have a full week followed by a week off, I will not send bags again until after our Thanksgiving holiday. Please take good care of the materials and have fun with the bags. If your bag is not decorated, please feel free to add some art to it.

A big thanks to all the parents who came to help out with Halloween!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

School Photos

I received the kids' school photos today and I was hoping to send them home on Friday so they could stay nice and flat inside the Friday folders. Unfortunately, the make up day is scheduled for this Thursday, so that puts a kink in that plan and I will need to send them home tomorrow. I will remind the kiddos to be very careful and personally hand photos to parents when possible (parents who pick up after school).

If you would like your child to have his/her photo retaken, please make sure to send me a note on Thursday so I can help make sure that happens!!